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Genesis Gateway Integration

Genesis Gateway Integration is based on raising your Spiritual connection to the Divine rather than being associated with any religious tradition or philosophy nor does it contradict any; it is about deepening our human experience of connecting to something bigger than ourselves.

The energetic field of Genesis Gateway Integration helps you transcend ego, raising personal vibration in order to achieve the highest connection of power, oneness, love, and wisdom with Divine Light. This connection, the co-creative levels of Creation, is where you reweave or re-script your own reality. The frequency of Genesis Gateway Integration allows for Archangels and Ascended Masters to thread or connect into your current reality for healing and guidance. In a sense, you are coming home to the point where all was and will be created. At this level, we co-create with the creator and experience the existence our ego tells us we deserve. So…exactly what reality are you creating for yourself?

Genesis Gateway Integration is the “Breath of Creation”. It is a multi-faceted, multi-dimensional spiritual healing modality combined with knowledge emanating from the core of “Creation” or “Source”. The life changing series of concepts that compose Genesis Gateway Integration were lovingly bestowed upon Reverend Dr. Debbie Miller during meditation by Ascended Master Sananda, the essence of Christ Consciousness, and Archangel Raziel, the scribe to the “Creator”. The attunement with the energetic field of Genesis Gateway Integration allows Archangels and Ascended Masters to work directly through your third dimensional bodies and vibration.

They feel doubly blessed for having received this knowledge from the Divine and having the opportunity to share these life changing concepts with you. 

The various dimensions and facets of Genesis Gateway Integration include:

  • Genesis Gateway Integration Crystal Light Array
  • RFI Scan (ITEM)
  • Gateway Therapy Sessions
  • Genesis Gateway Integration Course (coming soon)
  • Brainwave Tuning Forks
  • Custom made Genesis Gateway Integration Tuning Forks
  • Tibetan Healing Technique
  • DNA Repair
  • Chakra Balancing
  • Nutrition Coaching
  • Spiritual Counseling
  • Sound Immersion

All Genesis Gateway Integration Information and Services Protected Under Copyright 2014 Renewal Oils

Therapy Sessions and Services available at our Olathe Kansas location

Third Gateway Therapy Session

Third Gateway Therapy Sessions are powerful techniques designed for those new to energy work or find the work they have done is not quite working. They bring balance and alignment to the body in a non-invasive manner by stimulating all the body systems. This begins the process of raising personal vibration and transcending ego in order to co-create with Source the reality you truly wish to be experiencing. These sessions are designed to help guide you towards creating a life journey that is joyful, healthier, and more harmonic. 

Second Gateway Therapy Session

When the knowledge of the chakras of the second reflection are not integrated into our lives we go no further on our journey of enlightenment. The refraction of the third reflection fools us into thinking we are spiritual but we still freely engage in chaos and drama, gossip, hate, fear…. we have now become want-to-bees, not truly walking the path but rather walking an ego driven false path of refraction...

First Gateway Therapy Session

The First Gateway is about re-educating the brain for a desired state of mind. This is done by a process called Brain Entrainment and is achieved through either tuning forks or Sound Immersion. This process synchronizes one’s electrical activity to resonate to the specific frequency of the energetic field of Genesis Gateway Integration. This allows one to re-pattern their thought process for the power of intention, beginning the process for a life based in harmony.

Rev. Debra M. Miller Ph.D.
Licensed Scientific Investigator of Innovation Technologies and Energy Medicine (ITEM)
Esoteric Minister
Genesis Gateway Integration Practitioner
Professor Genesis Gateway Integration
Certified Aromatherapist
Reiki Master
Trained Vibrational Therapy Practitioner
Meditation Guide


Crystal Bed Healing is non-invasive and has no contra-indications. However, please note that this is not a medical treatment and in no way should replace any medications or treatment being prescribed from a medical doctor.

As with many of the Subtle Energy Healing Therapies, the FDA states no claims can be made that any disease states can be cured. However, there are many, many reports of personal healings occurring daily throughout the world with medical validation.

List of Services

“The gift of mental power comes from God, Divine Being, and if we concentrate our minds on that truth, we become in tune with this great power.” –Nikola Tesla

These holistic healing modalities have been used effectively for centuries. We all know tricks and treatments that were passed down from our grandmothers which may sound far-fetched but work better than some medicine. Oprah introduced us to Dr Oz, who has been a wonderful resource for simple at home remedies, and other holistic therapies.

“I think the next big frontier is unlocking the doors to energy medicine. It dramatically broadens our vista of opportunities to heal. The challenge that we have is that energy is not as easily quantified as the surgeon’s scalpel.”
— Dr. Mehmet Oz, O Magazine, Dec 2010

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*The information and products on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information and products are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent, or treat any form of illness or disease. The intent is to expand one’s personal choices. |Renewal Oils & Genesis Gateway Integration™|Copyright 2015 | All Rights Reserved| Terms & Conditions